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It comes in different waves

Waves of light

Maybe its not light

The whole point is to not think in the first place

I remind myself to focus

Focus back on the breadth

Focus back on the feeling of nothingness

Because for a moment

The world stood still

For a moment

The mind stood still

And in that moment

Is another sense that cannot be defined

The sense of calmness, tranquility, awareness, and stillness

I become all these feelings

Yet I think of none of these feelings

For in that moment and I know you are here

I know you exist

Existing within me and i within you

Yet within all that you created

Gradually I pulled away from the still world

And with that comes a new renewed sense of purpose

A new sense or peace that compares to none

And with that every cell in my being ignites

Ready to do as I command

For you had made me to be like you

To command what you have created

Created to do wonders

And thats all I aspire to be.

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